Thursday, May 7, 2009

Champion the 3D Web using COLLADA Contest

Our friends over at the Khronos group are holding a Champion the 3D Web using COLLADA Contest. They're looking for the best 3D models, avatars, worlds, or simulations created using COLLADA. Prizes include cash awards and opportunities at a future Immersive Education Initiative in-world (virtual) events. The contest will run through July 15, 2009. Winners will be announced at Siggraph this year in New Orleans. The contest is sponsored by the Khronos Group and the Media Grid Immersive Education Initiative. Please check out the contest site for full details.

Using SketchUp to enter the contest

SketchUp can be used to create models for this contest. SketchUp Pro and the Pro Evaluation both export COLLADA (DAE) files directly. The free version of SketchUp can export Google Earth (KMZ) files which contain a COLLADA model. To extract a COLLADA model from a KMZ file follow these steps:

  1. Export your SketchUp model to KMZ.
  2. Change the file extension from ".kmz" to ".zip".
  3. Double-click on the ZIP file.
  4. Double-click on the "models" folder.
  5. Locate the DAE file. Copy and paste this file to your Desktop.
  6. Check your file's appearance in a COLLADA viewer like Swirl X3D Viewer©
  7. Submit your model to the contest.

Good Luck!
Bryce Stout
Product Manager

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